Well, we just finished day nine. Just a few updates. First, Bacci had been vomiting a lot all this past week. I was getting worried, but then he threw up little pieces of a bone I had gotten him. I figured that was why he was throwing up. Well, I took away the bones and bully sticks, and he didn't throw up for a day. I thought I had figured it out, until he threw up yet again. :( So I thought it might be the meds. I actually stopped one of his meds when I stopped the bones. Since he was still throwing up, I messaged our physical therapist and then had the vet reply via email. She thinks that the little bone pieces irritated the stomach, and that's why he was still throwing up. She said give him Pepcid AC. If he doesn't throw up for 3 days, then I can slowly start up the meds again. So far, he's gone almost 2 days with no vomiting... fingers crossed. I hope that's all it was. He was doing it just about every single day. :(
So this past week, he's basically had limited freedom in the house. Sometimes he gets all excited, wants to run and play. A couple times he'll try to run across the hardwood floors, so I immediately put him in his x-pen. I've blocked all of the stairs too. He gets about 3-4 short walks every day when he goes to the bathroom. A few days ago I started sitting on the balcony with him to provide more mental stimulation. He gets to watch all the neighbors, neighbor dogs, and so forth and seems to enjoy that. I haven't been doing any training, positions, etc. because I don't want to force him into any positions that might be uncomfortable. A couple weeks of just hanging out should be good for him. We've both been going a little stir crazy hanging around the house, so today I took him and Risa to the park.
I'm using Fiddler's car ramp so that he doesn't have to jump in and out of my Xterra. At the park, I just walked him around for 15 min. or so, and then he hung out and watched everybody while Risa' got to play fetch. He was a good boy and seemed to enjoy watching everybody. He seemed to be walking a little odd... maybe I was imagining it? His walk ALWAYS seems odd, but then his trotting looks so normal. I wanted to let him trot around in circles, but remembered that our physical therapist said only short walks on a short leash, so that's what we did. I'm trying really hard to follow exactly what she says. I don't want to mess up his recovery, and am already worried that stopping the meds has set us back a bit. *sigh* Right now, getting back into trial condition seems sooo far away. It seems like we'll never be able to trial at the end of the season and might have to wait until next year. Jason an everybody are training this Sunday. It's really hard for me not to join them. Just hanging out at home is not to bad, especially with the occasional trip to the park. However, missing training when everybody else is going.. not being able to prepare for our trial... that's depressing...
On a more positive note, I started my canine massage therapy course! Materials arrived today and I watched my first DVD! Need to ask our physical therapist what I can / cannot do with him since his leg has been bothering him. They did diagnosis as a bilaterial iliopsoas strain. I guess it is on both sides, but only the left side is really bothering him. He goes back to see the PT in a week. I'm really anxious to see what she says...
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